FarmSense Blog
The FarmSense Blog - We like to talk about what we're doing
Join us on the FarmSense blog to learn about the latest topics impacting commercial agriculture, farming, and insect pest monitoring & management.
Understanding The Hidden Costs of the Olive Fruit Fly in Commercial Groves
Introduction | The Olive Fruit Fly February 2025 — The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) is one of the most common pests threatening olive production worldwide. This small, yellowish-brown insect, about...
Uninvited Guests | How the Codling Moth Impacts Commercial Agriculture
Introduction | The Codling Moth in Stone Fruits January 2025 — Meet the codling moth, a pint-sized yet formidable foe in the world of commercial agriculture and hobby farming alike. These...
Tiny Pest, Big Problem | Managing the Diamondback Moth in Agriculture
Introduction | Diamondback Moths in Cole Crop Agriculture January 2025 — The Diamondback moth (DBM) is one of the most formidable pests in agriculture, particularly problematic for farmers and gardeners...
The Next Big Buzz | Exploring Agricultural Pest Management with an Entomologist
A New Era for Pest Monitoring & Agricultural Pest Management September 2024 — If you’ve been keeping tabs on the latest commercial agricultural trends, you’re probably aware that the blend of...
Field Notes | Commercial Agriculture From The Perspective of a Pest Control Advisor
Guarding the Green | Pest Control Advisors and Farming By now, the value of insect monitoring in commercial agriculture is no secret and as the industry expands into the realm...
Guarding Your Grove | Understanding Almond Pest Monitoring
Guarding Your Grove | Understanding Almond Pest Monitoring The almond industry is a cornerstone of American agriculture, with California’s Great Central Valley being responsible for producing 82% of the world’s...
Battling Bugs | The Essential Art of Agricultural Insect Management
Understanding the Significance of Agricultural Insect Management June 2024 – Agriculture stands at the heart of human civilization as the backbone of global food production, providing nourishment for billions of...
Know Your Pests to Grow Your Best | How Automated Pest Monitoring is Transforming Farming
The Automated Pest Monitoring Revolution It’s no secret that commercial farmers and agricultural operators have access to more technology and data about their crops than ever before, which has left...
The Value of Insect Monitoring in Modern Agriculture
The Value of Insect Monitoring in Modern Agriculture In the current bustling world that is modern commercial agriculture, farmers are finding themselves in a situation that is stickier than those...
Unwrapping the Mystery of Mummy Nuts in Commercial Agriculture
Introduction Updated April 2024 – In the world of commercial agriculture, one of more impactful phenomena is the occurrence of mummy nuts. This term, while whimsical in nature, refers to...
How AI Driven Pest Monitoring Can Benefit Organic Farmers | Updated February 2024
Farming in Expert Mode Updated February, 2024 – Organic farming practices, as outlined by the US Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], emphasize the use of natural methods over synthetic fertilizers and...
Beneficial Bugs to be Thankful For
Insects…The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Updated February 2024 – For most, the word “insect” is considered synonymous with “pest”, but if we explore the entire insect ecosystem, we quickly...
What are the Realistic Expectations for Biopesticides to Replace Synthetics in Commercial Agriculture?
The Future of Biopesticides The commercial agricultural sector is at a crossroads, with increasing concerns about the environmental and health impacts of synthetic pesticides. This has spurred interest in an...
Is Regenerative Agriculture the Lifeline for the US Almond Industry?
Is Regenerative Agriculture the Lifeline for the US Almond Industry? The United States almond industry, which is primarily based in California, has thrived for decades, making the US the world’s...
Sowing Seeds of Diversity: Enriching Commercial Agriculture Through Inclusion
Sowing Seeds of Diversity: Enriching Commercial Agriculture Through Inclusion In an era of burgeoning globalization and interconnected markets, the sphere of commercial agriculture cannot afford to remain insular, bound by...
Navel Orange Worms – Commercial Agriculture’s Battle Against Silent Invaders
Exploring the Potential Impact of Navel Orange Worms As we’ve discussed before, commercial agriculture is vital to feeding the growing global population. However, various pests and diseases can significantly impact...
Transforming Agriculture: The Rise of AI in Commercial Farming
From Seed to Shelf – Commercial Farmers’ New Best Friend It seems that you can’t read the news, watch TV, or listen to your favorite podcast these days without hearing...
Exploring the Latest Tech Aimed at Helping Pollinators
The Value of Pollinators to Commercial Farmers It is no secret, pollinators are essential to the health and well-being of our planet, playing a vital role in our ecosystems and...
Is Climate Change Impacting the Growth of Commercial Agriculture?
Is Climate Change Really Slowing Us Down? By now, most of us accept the reality of climate change and its direct effects on society, but a recent report suggests that...
Is Commercial Agriculture Experiencing Another Tech Revolution?
Has Commercial Agriculture Entered Its Next Tech Revolution? Just a few decades ago, the phrase tech revolution often felt like one that should be associated with the latest sci-fi film....
Could a New Honey Bee Vaccine Protect Our Vital Pollinators?
Could a New Honey Bee Vaccine Protect Our Vital Pollinators? Bees – The Voice of Our Fields You may have noticed that the topic of bees is one that’s frequently...
Preparing for the 2023 Commercial Agriculture Growing Season
The Early Bird Gets the…Best Yield? Last month, we discussed several trends that we expect to take place within the commercial agriculture industry during the coming year. This month, we’re...
Commercial Agriculture Predictions and Trends for 2023: A Look at the Year Ahead
Out with the Old – In with the New For most of us, this time of year consists of decompressing after spending time with the family and deciding which resolutions...
Solving the Farming Industry’s Information Overload Problem
Big Data’s Big Problem Over 500,000 data points are generated each day by the average farm and according to Business Insider’s research, this number is expected to double itself by...
Ants in Commercial Agriculture – Allies, Enemies, or a Little of Both?
Ants – A Farmer’s Secret Weapon or Achilles’ Heel? For most of us, the sight of these curious six-legged creatures typically means that you’ve left some sweet treats on the...
How Real-Time Pest Monitoring Can Protect Your Apple Harvest from Codling Moths
The Apple Industry — In a Nutshell Next to grapes, apples are reported to be the second leading fruit in the US based on production volume and are the number...
How Autonomous Pest Monitoring Technology Can Help European Farmers Manage Upcoming Pesticide Reduction Regulations & Increase Sustainability
Understanding Europe’s Farm to Fork Strategy & The Role of Pest Monitoring At the core of the European Union’s efforts to become the first climate-neutral continent through the European Green...
The Truth About the Birds and the Bees: Exploring the Pollinator Crisis
Has the Media Blown the Pollinator Crisis Out of Proportion? It’s commonplace these days to find stories surrounding the global pollinator crisis sprinkled into the news these days. From Bloomberg...
Why Farmers Should Reconsider Pesticide Use – The Value of Pest Monitoring for Sustainability
Before You Grab Your Torch and Pitchfork… Don’t get too carried away by the title of this article. Remember, we said reconsider, not eliminate completely, the use of pesticides by...
What Will Pest Management Look Like in the Future?
A Practice That Evolves as Much as Pests Themselves Most farmers would probably agree that pest monitoring and management is an ever-evolving practice that requires undivided attention to both your...
A Journey into the History of Agricultural Pest Management
A Tale as Old as Time It is believed that the first insect dates back around 385 million years ago based on fossil findings of a wingless creature. To put...
Understanding Integrated Pest Management
Pest Control with Sustainability in Mind Whether you are cultivating a small, backyard garden at home or you’re managing several acres on a large-scale commercial agricultural operation, you’re probably familiar...
Protecting Our Pollinators – Helping Nature Help Us
All the Buzz You have finally decided to take some time to yourself and relax a bit in nature. You decide that a hike and picnic are exactly what you...
(Part IV) The Enchanting Region Between Seed and Shelf – An Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture and Biosequestration – A Multi-Part Series
Part IV – Water, Water, Everywhere Continuing from Parts I, II, and III of our series…You’ve made it to the fourth and final installment of our series on regenerative agriculture....
(Part III) The Enchanting Region Between Seed and Shelf – An Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture and Biosequestration – A Multi-Part Series
Part III – Regenerative Agriculture – A Set It and Forget It Approach Continuing from Part I and Part II of our regenerative agriculture series…Here you are, seasoned to the...
(Part II) The Enchanting Region Between Seed and Shelf – An Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture and Biosequestration
Part II – Regenerative Agriculture – From Useless…. Remember our shoe example from Part I of our regenerative agriculture series? Let’s continue with that….There you are, with a new pair...
(Part I) The Enchanting Region Between Seed and Shelf – An Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture and Biosequestration
Part I – Regenerative Agriculture – From the Shoes on Your Feet… For the majority of us, our days begin with a morning routine that likely includes brushing your teeth...
Improving the Efficiency of Your Pesticides
Carbamates and Pyrethroids and Organophosphates, Oh My! For most, these names probably sound like some obscure chemical nomenclature, but for commercial farmers, these are easily recognized as vital components to...
Protecting Your Apples and Almonds
Protecting Your Apples and Almonds Updated February 2024 – Apple and almond crops are more than just staple food items. For many, they’re a way of life and a livelihood....
Tech That Helps Save The Bees
Everyone wants to help save the bees… …but without some form of pest management farmers may lose crop yield. Is there a better way? It’s no secret that bees are...